Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Say it with Pride!

Like most Saturday mornings, Pajamas and I took our walk to the local coffee shop for our morning coffee and treat. Me with my cheddar scone and Pajamas with her bacon and peanut butter treat. The coffee shop has a great patio that faces east, a great place to catch some earlier morning rays before the heat gets unbearable. Pajamas loves the treats from this coffee shop. She sits on the patio looking in the window of the shop while I order my breakfast just daring me to forget her treat! When I come out with both our treats on a plate she licks her lips and sits as pretty as she can. I always like to split the treat into three or four smaller pieces so that she can enjoy it just a little longer.
I am sitting peacefully in the sun eating my scone when two men walk out of the shop and get into a cab. My dog barks. Just one pronounced bark. The people sitting next to me look over and say with a smile "our dog never barks". And I had the most amazing reaction. I laughed and smiled down at my dog and said "Oh, my dog barks!" I was happy! Even a little proud of my little munchkin. She is my dog and I love her just the way she is.

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